- Confidential Peer Group
Our group is focused on discussing topics that help us grow and manage our businesses more effectively and innovatively. We benefit from our peers’ collective experience and strategic insight, as well as the opportunity to set personal and professional goals and be held accountable for them. Unlike many groups, our members sign a confidentiality agreement. We take your confidential seriously.
- Professional Facilitation
We chose our Managing Director for their business background and as well as their ability to guide us through our meetings and help us delve into the pressing issues and challenges we face as CEOs.
- Low Membership Fees
As a member owned and run organization, at $1,800 per quarter, our fees are much lower than other groups. The membership fee covers participation in the group, the cost of speakers, and a professional facilitator. Decisions are made in the best interests of the group rather than a parent company or facilitator.
- Regular Monthly Meeting
We attend a peer group meeting each month. Location rotates among members so we can better understand their business. At least once a year we do a deep dive (host update) into each member business. Should there be an emergency — we meet immediately. During the first first months of Covid we met every week (virtually) to help each other find the best path for their company.
At our monthly meetings, we balance the personal with the professional. What is said in the meeting room stays in the meeting room. We value confidentiality and strategic problem-solving, combined with a hands-on approach to the challenges we face running our businesses.
Topics include: how to grow, how to increase profitability, addressing personnel challenges, acquisitions, owner exit strategies, finance, accounting, how to stay current with technology / the role it plays in staying on the cutting edge of daily operations, dealing with seasonality in business, surviving unexpected downturns, building and sustaining company culture, other management / leadership issues.
Each meeting starts with a five – ten minute check-in. Key metrics are reviewed and each member gives a 1 -10 ranking on the state of their business and the state of their lives. A five is just fine – profitable – average. Should a member check-in with a 1 or a 2, the meeting agenda will immediately shift to working what ever the issue is that precipitated the low rank.